"Founder Meets Founder" Episode 1

Posted by Sau Yin Tsang

Kay Wong, Fashion Clinic

差不多一年前,去了Fashion Clinic一個發佈會,睇到佢哋利用針織機將不同嘅回收布料,解構再造成各種生活用品,唔單止被外觀同質感吸引,佢背後嘅理念更加同我哋 @r.becandle 不謀而合。當日拿了一本catalogue一直念念不忘,今次喺又一城嘅Pop Up,終於有空間同機會做一次合作。大家嚟又一城睇吓,除咗各式各樣嘅合作產品外,仲有Fashion Clinic為今次Pop Up特別製作的六米長Feature Wall。

About a year ago, I attended a Fashion Clinic event where they showcased their use of knitting machines to deconstruct and transform various recycled fabrics into a range of lifestyle products. I was not only drawn to their aesthetics and texture but also their underlying philosophy of sustainability, which resonated with our brand @r.becandle. I received a catalog on that day, and it has stayed on my mind ever since. Now, at the Pop-up event in "Festival Walk," we finally have the space and opportunity to collaborate. Everyone is invited to visit "Festival Walk" and explore our collaborative products, along with a specially crafted six-meter-long feature wall by Fashion Clinic for this occasion.


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